Dynamic Fuzz Ear Fuzz MOD3


Dynamic fuzz (MOD3) Ear Fuzz for additional coverage! Designed to help reduced sound bleed-through due to harmonics. Adding Ear Fuzz creates an additional external sound dampening barrier. Benefits Comtac cable management for Peltor Comtac cable management, MSA/Sordin cable managment and and more, Mounting ir reflective squares and a great way to present moral patches.
Sold as pair. (L&R)

Proudly Hand Made In The U.S.A With U.S. Mil-Spec/Berry Compliant Materials.

*Camo Ear Fuzz is ideal for use when running AXL mounts.

(ARM MOUNT/HEADBAND MOUNT) Mod3 is designed for use with arm mount and headband mount OR headband mount used in conjunction with Unity helmet mounts.

*Ear Fuzz and Fuzz Covers sold separately*